25. May, 2021, 19:00–30. May, 2021, 19:30Where

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

Fotó: Valuska Gábor

BarabásiLab: Hidden Patterns. The Language of Network Thinking 10. October, 2020 – 26. June, 2021
The exhibition Hidden Patterns aims to present the last 20 years of research based on the so-called Barabási networks mainly related to the activity of physicist and network researcher Albert-László Barabási.