Movies for the Blind | Jazzy Chansons by Béla Szakcsi Lakatos & Péter Müller Sziámi

22. February, 2020, 16:00–18:30
22. February, 2020, 16:00–18.30
Not visitable by annual pass

Curatorial walk in the Imaginary Cameras exhibition and Improvisational concert by the two legendary Hungarian musicians.

16.00-17.00 | curator's walk in the Tamás Waliczky: Inaginary Cameras exhibition by Zsuzsabba Szegedy-Maszák
17.30-18.30 | Movies for the Blind concert

Movies For The Blind creates a new genre in which songs become cinematic with the presence of an impromptu piano. The repertoire of the production is surprisingly wide: based on improvisation and poems by Péter Müller "Sziámi" and the best songs of Rezső Seress, it also features pieces from medieval Normandy ballads, Gypsy songs, British underground rock and co-written pieces.

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