Attila Szűcs

Jane Neal, Hornyik Sándor
Hornyik Sándor
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Place of publication
Number of pages
Méret / Size: 249*274*20 mm
Súly / Weight: 1141 g
Kötés / Quality: keményfedeles / hardback
Színes / Colour
Nyelv / Language: angol, English

With a focus on the recent past, the exhibition provides an overview of Attila Szűcs’s achievements as a painter. His latest pieces are at the center of the display, their thematic and technical characteristics serving as a basis for the presentation of the complete oeuvre. Gradually moving back in time, the exhibition opens with more recent creations and concludes with the painter’s earliest artworks. The “ghosts” of the past, that is, the phantoms of history and the reminiscences of art history have always played a determining role in Szűcs’s art, a post-conceptual and post-medial painting still haunted by one of the basic problems of Conceptual Art and Modernism: the inextricable interconnectedness of tangible reality and its various representations. Szűcs’s body of work evokes the philosophical questions of Conceptual Art pertaining to the role of art in society, and it comments on the visual culture of Modernist painting (Abstract Expressionism, geometric abstraction) dedicated to aesthetic autonomy. With each of his works, Szűcs attempts to give aesthetically and politically thought-provoking answers to diverse groups of intellectual and material problems, which guide the eye from cultural remembrance, personal memories, as well as the media-influenced visual documents thereof all the way to the material aspects of colors and lights.

Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum