The Quintessential László Lakner

2009. március 18. 0.00–00.00
2009. március 18.
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"The Quintessential László Lakner" a presentation in English to be given by Docent Programme Director, Linda Kondor, on László Lakner, a central figure of the Hungarian Neo-Avantgarde Movement. László Lakner is primarily represented in the collection by the painting entitled, Silence, or Tribute to Joseph Beuys. This occasion presents a unique opportunity to gain a very real insight into his life and work. He is of particular importance as one of the Iparterv Movement, a group of Hungarian artists who during the 1960s held a series of exhibitions designed to present an alternative to the art promulgated by the State, such as Socialist Realism.

Following the presentation it will be possible to view all of Lakner’s works in the collection of the Ludwig Museum.